Friday, December 4, 2009

Stupid Money

Already the fear is starting. How will I make up for my lost income? It's winter, my slowest time for sales... of course I knew this when I quit my job. I know I'll be ok for a few months. And so far I've been able to stave off that stupid fear of money, and instead have felt eager and hopeful for all the possibilities coming. I still feel good.

But that icky feeling of not being able to make it on my own creeps in. And pokes me when I sleep. That fear and preoccupation with income can really upset my creativity and power overall. I can get so involved in the business side of things that I don't do the actual artwork. The basis of all my good intentions and happiness. Sigh.

But no. I won't give in. I have a few good months of creative and healing work to do before the whole money thing comes into effect. I have yet to start meditating regularly, and that will help MUCH in my peaceful and clear outlook.

Anyway, I just got a call from one of my retail stores for an order. I have another week of playing with art before my last craft show of the season. The sun is still out and so the dog walks are easily a daily routine. The house is full of food, the bills are paid. It is all very good.

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