Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Go Outside

So simple. But so difficult to do from The Cave. The whole idea of cave dwelling is to stay in it. It's dark and comfy in your pjs all day. Who wants to deal with anyone out there? not me.

My plan has been working so far on the Go Outside point. My daily routine has been to leave the house for a dog walk before noon (ok almost daily, but it's pretty much a routine anyway). I am only going somewhere pretty to walk the dog. I don't have to prepare or look cute or think much about it. I choose places that will be mostly deserted, so no human interaction is necessary. It is only to go outside somewhere pretty. It's not such a difficult task.

And let me say that doing this alone lightens my mood more every day. I try to be meditative about it, not thinking but just looking at the trees and clouds an birdies. Trying to soak it all into my soul. I breathe deeply and try to move all the parts of my body. It feels great.

Afterwards, I might have an errand to run on the way home. This helps me pick a part of town for my walks, and also makes me feel like I've really gotten things done. Home by noon? Lookit me! I remember to pat myself on the back for all those days I couldn't leave the house at all... waking up baby!

I am really making this a priority on The List. I need to get a good daily routine set up now, before the rains and the real darkness. I really believe that going outside, going into nature, moving around... these are key in the first steps out of The Cave. Just stepping out to the back yard, facing the sun and standing for a few minutes can really make me smile. Smelling the grass, hearing the birdies, warming the face... that is good stuff. It's called being out in the world.


  1. I always say that if I could somehow stuff all the beauty and serenity of nature into my soul somehow, I would never cry another tear of sadness. Going out in the world every day, especially into nature, even if for only five minutes, is very refreshing indeed.
    Love the new blog. The girl in that pic sure looks familiar ;)

  2. Hmmm... lol thanks. I always visualize breathing in the beauty of the world, so I can breathe it out when I speak. Still working on that one.
